Kokoro connect hito random download free
Kokoro connect hito random download free

It’s the only major piece of Kokoro Connect that hasn’t been licensed and contains a lot of anime-like content. In case you missed it, Kokoro Connect: Yochi Random (“Random Predictions”) is a 2012 PSP non-canon visual novel based on the Kokoro Connect series that takes place after the first arc, Hito Random. It’s in no way finished, and we’re releasing this just to demonstrate our work so far. It’s very rough around the edges with many known issues, which we aim to fix. This game was undoubtedly programmed by sadists and it took a lot of (too much) work to get to this point, with much still to go. We have been trying to dig through the files of this game over the last couple years and have finally reached a rough first working beta of the game, with the first hour translated. I’m happy to formally announce Team Defan's intent to translate the visual novel Kokoro Connect: Yochi Random.

Kokoro connect hito random download free